Jan 26, 2009

Overcoming barriers: grading potential government measures

Our friends at the Sustainable Prosperity Project have just published a timely report to coincide with the various economic stimulus measures proposed by governments around the world, including our own in Ottawa. Their idea is to tie-in economic stimulus measures with environmental benefits.

The report, titled “Building a Green Economic Stimulus Package for Canada” ranks all kinds of proposed government measures and interventions according to three general tests (and nine different criteria), and then grade up to 23 different interventions and government measures.

The three general tests are:
1. Economic Test: How much economic stimulus will the measure provide to the economy?
2. Environment Test: How much improvement will the measure provide to the environment?
3. Policy Implementation Test: How easily can the measure be implemented throughout the country and how equitable are its impacts?

And the final grades for the 23 measures, following good academic procedures, are shown in the table below.

One can only hope that tomorrow's federal budget will get a passing grade.

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